Alteryx Inspire 2021 On-Demand: What to Watch
In May, Alteryx hosted their Virtual Inspire event and all of their sessions – including this one on the Snowflake, Alteryx, Tableau Tech stack from our VP of Technology Consulting, John Heisler – are available on demand.
There are a TON of sessions available in the Alteryx Inspire video gallery, but if you’re looking for a place to start, the other two sessions I highly recommend are Alteryx for Excel Users and Build Your Own Macro. Both of these videos provide a great overview of how you can streamline your day-to-day tasks and reporting and level-up your Alteryx usage. Learn more about each session below, then dive in to the videos!
Alteryx for Excel Users
A majority of the organizations that we serve are familiar with Excel and are doing most of their calculations within Excel. The Alteryx for Excel Users Inspire session is beneficial for those who currently have skills in Excel and want to take them to the next level. This session goes through Excel terminology and directly translates those into Alteryx terminology in a digestible way. Translation is very important to understand when you’re going back and forth between platforms, as it can be difficult to track things down in either tool if you don’t know what they’re actually called in each. This session bridges that gap and delves further into Alteryx features, demonstrating the ways in which you can improve an Excel sheet analysis.
Watch the Alteryx for Excel Users session →
Build Your First Macro!
I see many use cases within departments like tax and accounting in which data comes in cycles, such as monthly or quarterly. Doing an analysis on this data one time is not too difficult, but when companies are doing it monthly or even daily, the process can be very tedious. Macros allow you to turn a whole process into one tool that can then easily be used for multiple datasets over and over again. This session makes learning a seemingly complicated process a breeze! Macros are a great topic to learn as they are so versatile and can be used in many different situations. This Inspire session is very useful for someone who wants to automate a process and save themselves a great amount of time in the future.